>> 26 Jul 2004

From Derry to Kerry


I see two SDLP munchkins, Mark Durkan and Dr Alisdair McDonnell, were quick off the mark to venture State-side to garner as much partisan support as they could from an already partisan political force in the shape of the US Democrats.  People familiar with my opinions will know I view nationalist-inclined members of the Irish American community as a stain on Anglo-US relations.  The fact that the Democratic Party has been in the pockets of powerful members of this community (who, in any event, wield far more power than their demographic numbers entitle them to) does nothing to engender a feeling a well-being from Unionists and their supporters.

So, what has old JFK had to say about events in an integral part of what is America's closest and most consistent ally?  Firstly, he went through the pathetic motions of demanding IRA and loyalist decommissioning.  He must have forgotten it was the Democrats (under Bill 'Oversexed' Clinton) who first conferred legitimacy on the apologists of those Kerry now requests make the transition to peace and democracy.  There is, worryingly, nothing about applying sanctions on Irish republican interest groups in the USA should the IRA fail - as it certainly will do - to complete the decommissioning process.

He then issues forth with the cheapest 'shot across the bows' he could possibly conjure up by castigating the DUP - a constitutional party - for refusing to share power with the representatives of unrepentant terror.   Given the combination of Kerry's friendship with Ted 'Chappaquiddick' Kennedy, and his obscenely liberal voting record (Kerry would probably vote to legalise chicken molesting if a bill came before the Senate), it is likely that JFK would see nothing wrong in sticking his metaphoric nose into the affairs of Northern Ireland and, thus, seeking to make a further distinction between terrorists of the Irish and Islamic varieties.

I know who I'll be cheering on come the US presidential poll in November.....and it definitely won't be John Forbes Kerry!!


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