>> 22 Mar 2004


Liam Clarke speculates what "Plan B" might be for the sunken "peace process." Given the Sunday Times record of pathetic cheer-leading for the Belfast Agreement as "the only show in town" one could be forgiven for doing a double-take on Liam's musings. His final moving tribute to the "bags of talent" in Sinn Fein is sickening but typical of why UK journos just don't get it. The majority of Unionists will not accept a political process that puts Sinn Fein/IRA, with its "bags of talent" and "bags of Semtex" in power until the IRA disarms and disbands. The Quisling Trimble years ended last November and nonsensical talk of a "panel of Commissioners" running Northern Ireland is the sort of stupid scare story that the ST has come to typify. Try again Liam.


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