>> 24 Mar 2004


It's been interesting to listen to leftists argue about how wrong Israel was to kill leading terrorist psycho Sheikh Yassin. Thinking about it, we can distil the matter down to the simple fact that the left has never encountered a problem yet that it doesn't believe dialogue can solve. Thus Israel should talk to the Nazi Palestinian terrorists, the US should talk to Saddam and the Ba'athists, the UK should talk to the IRA (oH, that's right - they have) Without any discernable moral compass, the left like to waffle on about how talking can lead to understanding and thus to solutions. Simple.

Not sure how that one works when the plane you are on is hurtling downtown Manhatten at 500mph towards a tower block. Or when the bus you are standing on explodes due to a homocide bomber detonating his explosives belt. In fact, on reflectio, leftists arguments for "dialogue" collapse when the other party is not listening for anything other than surrender. And surrender, when all is said and done, is the leftists bottom line.


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