>> 18 Apr 2004


Ann Coulter sums up the hypocrisy on stilts which the 9/11 has, predictable, turned into:-

"The 9/11 commission has finally uncovered the proverbial 'smoking gun'! But it was fired by one of the 9/11 commissioners. Maybe between happy reminiscences about the good old days of Ruby Ridge, Waco and the Elian Gonzales raid, Ben-Veniste could ask Gorelick about those guidelines. Democrats think it's a conflict of interest for Justice Scalia to have his name in the same phonebook as Dick Cheney, but there is no conflict of interest having Gorelick sit on a commission that should be investigating her."

Surely the partisan behavior of several members of this Commission invaidates in advance any conclusions they will arrive at? In my opinion, Bush should refuse to co-operate with this mutant arrangement.


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