>> 18 Apr 2004


Liam Clarke, in typical style, gets it entirely wrong about the situation prevailing between Sinn Fein and it's alter-ego the IRA. In the Sunday Times today, he argues that those bad IRA gangsters are holding back the Sinn Fein brown-shirts political progress by not putting away their weapons and disbanding their illegal terror group. If the IRA did this, nice Bairbre would enhance her chances at the looming Euro-poll. What Liam needs to get his mind around is the fact that terrorism is endemic to the existance of Sinn Fein. Without the threat of the gun and the bomb, Sinn Fein would lose it's mystique that so captivates the rotten UK and Irish media. Liam may find it hard not to feel sorry for Ms de Brun - I find it hard not to feel sorry for Liam and his lack of common sense.


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