>> 24 May 2004


Sinn Fein/IRA’s Euro prospect for Northern Ireland, Bairbre de Brun (or Barbara Brown for those who don’t have to resort to Irish Gaelic in order to prove political points of the utmost futility), has laughingly called for the EU to implement ‘a comprehensive global justice agenda’. This, of course, emanates from a ‘party’ that denied over 1800 innocent people their access to any form of ‘justice.’ It is a measure of just how sick and twisted the political arena of Northern Ireland has become when a representative of a movement such as this can get away with spouting the most hypocritical, self-righteous drivel!!

Perhaps Barbara would care to elaborate on how Jean McConville or Jerry McCabe were allowed to access any form of ‘justice’ given that they were brutally murdered: the former for helping a wounded soldier, and the latter for simply executing his solemn duty as a defender of the law. The fact that a majority of Irish separatists will, in all probability, vote for this cabal of proto-fascists on June 10th just goes to prove how collectively shorn of morality and decency they are.

Andrew McCann


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