>> 2 May 2004


Great news from Israel.
The Likud Party has overwhelmingly refused to endorse Ariel Sharon's plan to reward Palestinian terrorism by handing over Gaza to Arafat's kleptocracy. Even though the US and UK both sought to meddle and help Sharon spin this one through, the people know better. The "settlers" should stay, should not hand over one inch of their historical land to the Arabs, and Sharon should have another think about his appeasement policy. Result.

P.S. Whilst votes were being counted, more of those crazy Palestinian "activitists" showed how much they want peacey killing a pregnant Jewish woman and her four daughters aged between two and 11. That's right aged TWO and ELEVEN. How brave these Palestinians must be - it must take a lot of guts to slaughter a two year old child.

I liked this excerpt from Steven Plaut's take on the issue, "Mugabian democracy"...

"Every single time voters were allowed to express their opinion on the Oslo "peace

process" and its strategy of trying to appease our way to peace, the

voters of Israel rejected it by large margins. The politicians proceeded

to implement the appeasements anyway. Every single time Israeli voters

have been asked, they favored dealing with the PLO through achieving

military victory over it, through annihilating it and its terrorists.

They favored dealing with the enemy through fighting him, not appeasing


Absolutely right.


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