>> 16 Jun 2004

Dennis the Honest

Academic, Dr Dennis Kennedy, presents an open and honest perspective of why the Government's repeated attempts to bring closure to Northern Ireland conflict, this time under the auspices of the suggested 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission', are doomed to fail.

Anyone studying the events of the past six years must surely come to the conclusion that giving Irish nationalists the universe and everything therein only prompts them to ask for more. They attempt to achieve this by shedding any last vestiges of common decency they once secreted and voting wholeheartedly for a fascist party linked to a primed and armed illegal militia. Then, nationalists cleverly combine naivety with obsessional republican idolatry and actually convince themselves that IRA terrorism was a reciprocal necessity to combat the lawful forces of the State. Thus, any moves towards establishing the 'truth' will be contaminated - and ergo dominated - by the 'victimhood' mentality and propaganda talents of the one organisation responsible for over 60% of all deaths throughout the Troubles.

Successive British governments believe that 'solutionism' is the remedy for Ulster's divided society. One day they will wake up and realise that just getting on with governing Northern Ireland in the interests of a significant majority of its citizens is the crucial element in engendering the cherished goal of stability. It can never be done by pandering to those who hold Hitler and the PLO as their role models.


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