>> 17 Jun 2004

Frere Jacques?

The bible of the lunatic Left, The Guardian, has a piece dealing with the ire expressed by President Chirac over Britain's negotiating tactics at the EU Summit. As ever, Franco-German solidarity came to the fore as Chirac was joined in his anti-British tirade by Chancellor Schroder. Of central concern to France and Germany is the attempt by Britain to keep some semblance of national sovereignty (heaven forbid!!!) over traditionally sacred areas of governance.

Let's put the debacle into some sort of context. Here we have a country (France) whose very liberty to preach came by way of sacrificed British (and American) lives, opining in harmony with the former occupying power (Germany), and demanding that Britain forsake the pivotal principles of sovereignty and independence (the prize of victory over the Nazis) to enrich a project (the EU) essentially oriented towards a Franco-German ideal of political development.

Does Tony Blair seriously expect the broad mass of the British people to go on tolerating this nonsense?


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