>> 20 Jun 2004

'Mein Kampf' at Bodenstown

Gerry Adams, terrorist leader cleverly disguised as a politician, delivered his annual oration praising the evil, past and present, in a futile attempt to convince genuine democrats that genocidal murder coupled with bodily mutilation, incineration and dismemberment (all practices used by the IRA over the course of the Troubles) were all part of a noble effort to purge 'Ireland' of the wicked Brits and supremacist Prods.

I then came across this speech which is not dissimilar in tone and meaning, just harsher in the semantics. But considering the subliminal links between Nazism and Sinn Fein during the War, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The next time a tourist to the Irish Republic is greeted by the disingenuous phrase: 'Ceid mille failte', he or she ought to consider the wisdom of giving tourist dollars to a country where the modern-day incarnation of the National Socialists has just become the fourth largest political movement.


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