>> 16 Jun 2004


Here's a few extracts from a letter to Mark Steyn from a CORK MAN explainign what he thinks about Ireland's political attitudes. I think you'll find it..challenging!

"Enjoyed your piece in the Irish Times on Erin's eye. While agreeing with most of what you say, I think you weren't half vicious enough on attacking the causes of the moral rot which infests the Irish psyche. There are two aspects to this, each more appalling than the other.

The rag for which you write, for instance, is the flag-bearer for the intellectual euro-weenie type of moral posturing ratbag. Everything Europe does is clap-happy and fancy free, everything the US, particularly the administration, does is the very embodiment of evil. Their “Letter from America” column, probably one of the most influential foreign correspondent pieces in Irish media, has abandoned all pretence at objectivity and become a pathetic John Kerry policy platform. The treatment of Israel in that excuse for a newspaper is even less objective. No story from that country is complete without repetition of the Euro-mantra “suppression of the Palestinian people”. Even if the story is about a bus-bombing, they'll slide it in somewhere. Allegations are reported as fact, in Israel as much as in Iraq, no questioning of the Euro-weenie line is indulged. Political cartoons from other newspapers are printed only if they caricature George W. Bush"

and then this...

"That same inhuman aspect of the Irish was well to the fore also this last weekend, when we had a referendum on the question of citizenship. I'm not going into the technicalities, suffice to say that many of those who I spoke to said they were voting to “Keep the blacks out”, and one charming individual told a senior politician ‘It's all about the niggers”.

The Gipper would be glad he's not acclaimed in Erin's eyes these days. I certainly think it would demean the man, his vision and his legacy if he were acclaimed by the most pathetic polity in Greater Europe."

Wow - just imagine if a Unionist had said that!!


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