>> 21 Jul 2004
A Terrorist on a Soapbox
Shame on the Irish News for allowing IRA Army Council member (and sometime politician), Gerry Adams a media column to spew out still more of his vile propaganda. He may the leader of Northern Ireland's largest nationalist party (thanks to the cretinous elements in that community) but his status as a terrorist apologist should render him persona non grata from any propagandistic forum until such time as his chums decide to decommission and disband.
In the gospel according to Gerry, it is now the issues of policing and contentious parades which are delaying the prospects for peace. Apparently it has sod all to do with the 100 tonnes of IRA weaponry (and assorted arsenals held by loyalist paramilitary murderers) lying buried in bunkers across the island. Nowhere does the bearded wonder allude to the possibility of illegally held armaments indefinitely postponing the transition to a peaceful, stable society. On the contrary, he believes the question over support for the police (something Sinn Fein will never do as the PSNI are a legal arm of the British State - an entity murderous republicans refuse to recognise) and the question of Loyal Order parades (which seldom caused trouble before Sinn Fein's provocative bandwagons rolled on to the scene in the guise of 'residents groups') are the primary subjects to resolve.
Articles such as this have a heavy feeling of deja vu about them. Adams and his ilk will seek to muddy the waters with a panoply of contrived grievances to distract attention away from IRA cohorts. Why the government of this United Kingdom should continue to treat with those who hold such a shallow appreciation of real democracy is beyond me.
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