>> 7 Aug 2004
Attila the Hoon
We all know how much contempt this New Labour government has for our Armed Forces. Suffice to say that Britain's defence capability has been decimated since Blair's rabble first cast their spell on our country some 7 long years ago. Since then, the story of our forces has been one of cuts, cuts and cuts again. A number of army uniforms, for example, were commissioned to be produced in China to save costs!!
Bearing the brunt of these savage cuts are the various long-established regiments of the British Army - the best combat force in the world, without a doubt. It is rumoured such famous names as the Black Watch are for the chop. Northern Ireland readers will also know of clandestine plans to disband the RIR as part of still another swathe of concessions to nationalist Ireland.
Fortunately, there are people prepared to take a stand. The good folk of Cumbria are rallying to the cause of preserving the King's Own Royal Border Regiment. A letter of protest has been sent to the dullard who moonlights as Labour's Defence Secretary - Geoff Hoon, in an effort to save the regiment. I doubt, regrettably, that such protests will work. This government only grants concessions to terrorists, bogus asylum seekers, Islamic radicals, those who seek to destroy the Union, and a panoply of fringe Left-wing movements.
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