>> 5 Aug 2004


The tale of Occidental College's feminist morons is worth a read here.

It seems that an eccentric "shock jock" called Jason Antebi brought the wrath of the PC brigade down upon his head because he insulted his mother! Yes, that'e right, insulted his mother.

This immediately caused one female student to complain how she was “horrified, hurt, terrified, offended, and left utterly speechless” by the way in which Antebi insulted his own mother, insulted the student newspaper editors, asked sexual questions of a Seven-Eleven employee, and mocked the upcoming Take Back the Night event. It gets even worse.

Mr. Antebi was accused of contributing "to a hostile environment, not just for me and (the male complainant) but for women at Occidental College and everywhere.” So, now, the victims of Antebi’s sexual harassment include the entire world population of females and at least one male.

This is the same College which produced "The Vagina Monologues."

Look, Antebi may be a fool, and he may be uncouth - but for the Girlie boys in the administration of Occidental College to single him out for their petty feminist vengeance strikes me as wrong!


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