>> 28 Aug 2004


From The American Thinker....

"When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, the Democrats didn’t want to talk about his refusal to serve in Vietnam, his burning of the American flag on foreign soil while protesting the war, or his anti-American diatribe while soldiers were fighting, and dying in that Southeast Asian country. They didn’t want to compare his military avoidance record with the World War II heroic accomplishments of his opponent, President George H.W. Bush.

In 1996, when President Clinton ran against another highly decorated WW II vet, Senator Robert Dole, the Democrats once again dodged the issue of military service and heroism.

Now, in 2004, with a nominee that has a highly questionable record of service in the war that the Democrats repudiated for decades, they apparently want Vietnam to be the centerpiece of his campaign. Suddenly, donning a uniform and fighting for our country has become an important credential for a Chief Executive. When Bill and Hillary Clinton took over in the White House, they made it clear that they didn’t want to see a military uniform on the premises. Such was the contempt they had for anyone with the courage to stand up for America. Now, they are, at least ostensibly, supporting John Kerry for the highest office in the land. Either they have done a complete about face concerning the military, or they feel a strong kinship with Mr. Kerry because of his highly publicized verbal attacks on the soldiers during the early 70’s when he was attempting to build his political career. Evidently, Kerry is not the only flip flopping politician on the national scene. "


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