>> 3 Aug 2004
I posted this on Slugger TODAY but have no idea when it may turn up. My post of yesterday hasn't appeared.
"If Mark McGregor is permitted by the moderator to whinge at me, please permit me a response.
Poor Mark fails to understand that it is he and his ilk that put off unionists from wishing to contribute to Slugger. Given his position as a moderator, maybe he should remember the Spiderman imperative "With great power comes great responsibility"? Either way, Mark's rudeness hardly helps the site.
As for PS - a wonderful example of a post made in splendid isolation from anything I have ever said. Tell you what PS - try READING my posts before making asinine comment.
Finally, the dreaded Davros. A sad example of why "debate" on certain topics here runs into the sand. If you can't debate Islamofascism, fair enough - but have the guts to admit it.
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