>> 25 Aug 2004

The Ulster Unionists and Lost Principles

Colm, in a response to one of my recent blogs, told me I knew 'in my heart of hearts' that devolved government was just around the corner in Northern Ireland. If the sentiments of Reg Empey are anything to go by, I fear Colm could well be right.

It is bad enough for the DUP to give every indication of the supremacy of power over principle. But, when that chorus is embellished by similar sentiments from the other main player in Unionist politics, my emotions ricochet from searing anger to contemptuous resignation. Both parties are, in one way or another, implying that stuffing their MLAs with pound notes at the end of every week is far more important than taking a principled stand with a better chance of keeping the Union intact.

Reggie wants the Assembly to be given collective power should efforts fail to resurrect the Executive. What is wrong with Direct Rule, may I ask? A sizeable proportion of the Catholic community sees nothing wrong with decisions being taken in London (the seat of sovereign government); Protestants are virtually united in their unwillingness to tolerate armed separatism wielding power in Belfast; and the Province has had two years or relative stability. However, stability does not reward 100+ amateurs with fiscal munificence does it, Reggie?

Perhaps the biggest scandal concerning the Assembly is its sheer size. London, the largest city in Europe with a population fast approaching 8 million, is stewarded by an assembly of 25 members. Wales, with a population of 3 million, has a 'National Assembly' of only 60 members. Why the hell should Northern Ireland be hampered with a bloated seat of administration totalling 108 participants? Yet, we hear nothing of this scandal from Empey - or indeed from the new power-hungry DUP. I'm hoping that one day, those in the upper echelons of each party will have a chance to meet ordinary Unionists and maybe, just maybe, take on board their concerns. By doing so the £ signs will be lowered from their eyes, but at least they'll be able to sleep more soundly at night.


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