>> 6 Sept 2004
John Wesley was a holy and decent man. Wesleyan University was founded in 1831 by Methodist leaders and Middletown citizens. Instruction began with 48 students of varying ages, the president, three professors, and one tutor; tuition was $36 per year. Named for John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, Wesleyan is among the oldest of the numerous originally Methodist institutions of higher education in the United States.
Wesleyan University, in 2004, is also the hangout for "vaginal warriors" or a bunch of c**** as they prefer to daub themselves. This is a great example of the moral decay inherent amongst contemporary liberals and it tells us just how wacko left these once upon a time centres of learning have become. But it's not just spaced out students acting the Sir Anthony, (Cockney rhyming slang, Sir Anthony Blunt) oh no....for example..
For example, one Wesleyan speaker (also an alumna) gave a talk at Wesleyan entitled, “My life as a feminist pornographer.” Co-sponsors of the event from the Wesleyan Queer Alliance informed the crowd that the guest speaker had “her own signature line of butt plugs.” The school paper said that no other Wesleyan graduate had ever achieved such an “honor.”
Instead of being a pornographer, this noted alumna had wanted to be “a dyke activist lawyer for the downtrodden.” But she credits a professor of History and American Studies for leading her into the pornography profession. You can trust that your children will get wise counsel if they attend Wesleyan University. In addition to the signature sex toys, Wesleyan’s proud alumna started conducting sodomy workshops after graduation. There, she has even taught septuagenarians how to have anal sex. People of all ages can depend on her expert anal-ysis."
Read the entire story here.
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