>> 29 Oct 2004


Today, that nice Mr. Blair flies out to Rome to sign this United Kingdom up to the European Constitution. The constitutional treaty will be signed in the Campidoglio, Rome’s spectacular town hall designed by Michelangelo, where the Treaty of Rome, which first set the EU in motion, was signed in 1957. Make no mistake, this is a momentous day. This is a launching pad designed to elevate the power hungry European Union way above the nation state. It is a tyranny in motion - since no country has voted for the constitutional treaty that these "Leaders" are arrogantly signing up to. I am sure in many years time, people will look back to Friday 29th October 2004 as the day that democracy in Europe was put on notice. That Blair should sign up to this abomination when the majority of the UK population rejects it makes me wonder how debased the democratic process here has already become - we are in the grasp of a political class which thinks it knows better.


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