>> 14 Mar 2004


Here is the full text of an excellent article by Dr. Plaut. Well worth a read.

For the past few years the EU has been financing generously the activities of the PLO, including its

overseas PR public relations activities. It has also pumped huge amounts

into the Israeli treasonous Left, the radicals working for the

destruction of their own country.

Let us NOT behave like the Europeans. Let us NOT now pump money into

the terrorist groups who have targeted Madrid and the EU. Let us not pay

for their ads and publicity campaigns. Let us NOT issue statements

endorsing the goals of the bombers and "understanding" their grievances.

Let us NOT refer to the bombers as activists and militants. Let us NOT

send money to the treasonous extremist leftists organizations in the EU

who will cheer the bombings. Let us NOT seek sanctions and boycotts

against Spain. Let us NOT seek to have Spain indicted in the Hague. Let

us NOT grant the ETA observer status in the UN. Let us NOT issue demands

that al-Qaida and the government of Spain conduct negotiations. Let us

NOT finance a mission by Spanish leftists to Geneva where they will meet

with al-Qaida. Let us NOT denounce Spaniardism as a form of racism. Let

us NOT indict the Prime Minister of Spain in Brussels as a war criminal.

Let us NOT denounce the illegal Spanish "occupations". Let us NOT refer

to the Spanish residents of Seville and Granada and Malaga as "settlers".

Let us NOT represent treasonous Spanish leftists as representative of

their country and invite them to appear with al-Qaida terrorists at

symposiums to create political balance.

Let us NOT behave like Europeans.


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