>> 15 Jun 2004
Candid On Cameras
Guess what? According to the findings of an 'independent' report, 79% of people surveyed in the United Kingdom supported the use of speed cameras to reduce road casualties. I am curious as to where these people came from. I suspect they must have been alien lifeforms from the Andromeda Nebula, because nobody I have ever spoken to considers speed cameras to be anything more than another disgusting attempt by this disgusting government to screw the hard-pressed motorist for more and more revenue.
Some of the money raised by cameras is ploughed back into the 'kitty' to provide still more of these saffron-coloured eyesores: far more goes straight to the Treasury. New Labour has raised taxes exponentially since that sad day in May 1997 when the electorate were naive enough to put them in power. But, for the lugubrious Gordon Brown, it is still not enough. It seems that every UK road - from the M25 to the country lanes of Ardnamurchan - is now collared by a regimented line of cameras, poised to rip more cash from our dwindling wallets.
For example, in the neighbouring county of Derbyshire there are 101 cameras, which raised £2.5M in 2003. And that's in just one county!!! Robin of Loxley's own crusade was against a system ever ready to screw the last penny out of the average citizen. Things haven't changed since his death in 1247. That said, there are significant numbers who also see the cameras for what they are - and are far from submissive when it comes to making their opposition known.
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