>> 19 Jun 2004
I enjoyed Richard Baer's article in the American Thinker.
Here's the pay-off lines...
"Since 1950, the American population has almost doubled, growing by more than 140 million people. In Europe, the population is already dropping each year in Russia and several former satellites, and a few places in Western Europe as well. In Slovenia, the demographic model forecasts a drop of a quarter in just the next few decades. Great Britain and Italy have reached their high water mark at around 60 million people, and are headed lower.
The EU population is growing by bringing more nations in, but it is bringing together a collection of countries with the demographic model of West Virginia, and increasingly filled with newcomers with a different skin color and religion from their long national experiences. This is unlikely to be a pretty thing as it is played out. Add to this the attempt to create a super state out of countries with strong national identities and distinct languages. America created a nation from Delaware, Virginia, New Jersey and other colonies that became states, all of which used English. As Europe faces the social collisions that are ahead, it is also trying to eliminate nationality for the rule of Brussels. This will not make things easier, and it will not go down well in many cases.
Europe is very much worth a visit. But it is probably not where the future lies."
So true.
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