>> 19 Jun 2004


Amused to see that my predictions on Thursday ("Constitutional sell-out")regarding the outcome of the EU summit have come true. Is anyone out there taken in by all the guff broadcast by the EU demagogues? Does anyone - apart from BBC glove puppet Andrew Marr - really believe Tony Blair has done anything other than cravenly surrender our ancient British freedoms? I will cover the full implications of this shocking "deal" in next week's Friday Essay but suffice to say that were I advising the UKIP I would URGE them to ensure that quality candidates stand in EVERY English constituency at the next General Election. It is obvious that the three-party consensus in the UK between the Tories, Labour and the Lib-dem's will sell us out to the EU. Once more, it will be left to the heart of England to throw off a dictatorship - this time in the guise of the manipulative Labour diktat.


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