>> 15 Jun 2004
Lies, Damn Lies and Predictions
Michael McGimpsey, one of David Trimble's most loyal footsoldiers, predicts a meeting of minds between the DUP and Sinn Fein/IRA to resurrect the failed Belfast Agreement before November.
One cannot help a wry smile reading any protestations from the Ulster Unionists. They were, after all, the people responsible for allowing Sinn Fein/IRA into government in the first place. Democratic Unionists were elected on a mandate of not sharing power with irredentist, unreformed and unrepentant terrorists. Should they forsake their principles for the 'prize' of devolution, they would split irrevocably and by punished in kind by the pro-Union people. The UUP, shouting from the rooftops, is just another last gasp of a deservedly moribund party.
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