>> 20 Jun 2004
Here's an excellent article by Brenda Power. She makes the valid point that as far as Ireland is cocerned Muslim men who apply for citizenship will be required to promise that, if they choose to get married, they’ll settle for one wife only. And those who are already married will have to swear an affidavit that they won’t acquire a second wife in the future. These steps are taken, according to the Department of Justice, in circumstances where a person’s cultural or religious beliefs permit the possibility of more than one spouse. It is a way of making them aware of Irish cultural and religious and, indeed, legal custom, and asking that it be respected. This practice has been condemned as despicable, racist and discriminatory by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. (Shock Horror - not a surprise - one more bunch of whinging liberals and self-haters)
In fact, as Brenda writes, it is common sense and the Irish authorities are to be congratulated upon it.
She goes on to remind us "that there was uproar in Britain a couple of years ago when a minister dared to suggest that immigrants seeking British citizenship might, perhaps, meet the state halfway by learning the English language and speaking it in their homes. This was duly denounced as racist oppression of ethnicity. Of course it was nothing of theo sort; it was a perfectly sensible measure aimed at stemming the growth of ethnic ghettos in British cities, effectively no-go areas where other Britons were made to feel unwelcome a nd where everything, bar perhaps the social welfare entitlements and the weather, has been transplanted intact from the residents’ native lands. The politically correct reluctance to question the wisdom of such evolutions led directly to the freedom Citizen Hamza enjoyed at his Finsbury Park mosque to denounce the British infidels to an enthusiastic congregation".
It seems the the issue of citizenship neatly exposes the folly of multiculturalism as espoused by empty-headed leftists. All modern democracies welcome new citizens but they MUST accept the prevaling ethos and practices of the State that they settle in. To follow the leftist logic that all cultures are equal in a given State is utter madness.
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