>> 4 Aug 2004

Ardoyne and Anodyne: A Contrast in Meaning

'Anodyne' = Inoffensive to the point of being dull. A medicine with pain relieving properties.

'Ardoyne' = A district of a British provincial city populated by terrorist-voting, culturally one-dimensional antediluvians incapable of tolerating the presence of cultures outside their laughably narrow parameters of acceptability.

Ger McGuigan, the self-proclaimed defender of still another Sinn Fein/IRA-inspired 'residents group', has said his tribe of republican crackpots will be opposing the forthcoming march by the Apprentice Boys in mid-August. Furthermore, he claims he cannot guarantee a peaceful protest should the Ligoniel Walker Club be permitted to pass by the Ardoyne shops on the 14th. Incidentally, it was good to look at the pictures from the various Twelfth parades. How reassuring it was to see the Orange Order marching in strength despite all the opprobrium levelled at them by the portion of nationalist Ireland which simply wants to see a cessation of Orange culture.

Those of you with a modicum of intelligence (republicans are, of course, exempted) can see the grand plan of McGuigan, his nationalist tagalongs and the wider Brownshirt movement. Should the police enforce a ban on the Apprentice Boys parade in North Belfast, then relations with the wider pro-Union community will have been unnecessarily damaged. The perverted tendencies of shadenfreude inherent in nationalism reach their apogee at the sight of State forces subjugating the very people who proclaim loyalty to the Union.

If, as seems more likely at this stage, the Apprentice Boys are allowed to parade, then not only can the peaceful members of the Walker Club expect to run a gauntlet of republican sullage invigorated by violence on the streets of Belfast, but they can also expect to endure similar tactics from the IRA-loving 'people' of nationalist Londonderry. This in turn will provide grist to the Sinn Fein propaganda machine on the 'evils' of 'partisan policing', 'supremacist Unionism' and other such nonsensical rubbish. Once again the world will be witness to nationalist attempts to destabilise community relations and general stability in Northern Ireland. One suspects it will not prevent their political second-raters from demanding another massive raft of concessions in September, however.


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