>> 5 Aug 2004


In an entertaining article entitled "The axis of lunacy", Tony Rafeal asks the big question; is it possible to argue any longer with our friends on the left of the political divide?

"There was a time long ago, an era before Feng Shui and dog psychiatry, that you had half a chance of engaging in rational arguments with a lefty. Big picture stuff like free markets versus controlled economies or whether colonialism was better for developing countries than self-determination. There was always at least some common ground, a framework for debate that made some sense, even if the argument wandered into purely abstract areas like how many Black Panthers can dance on the head of Leonard Bernstein.

Since that time, there’s been a decline in the level of discourse. The Left’s arguments have been distilled down to bumper sticker dialectics. “Bush Lied, People Died.” “Peace is Patriotic.” “War Is Not The Answer,” and my favorite, “Vote For Kerry, Before You Vote Against Kerry.” Actually, I didn’t see the last one. I made that one up."

I know what he means!!!


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