>> 9 Aug 2004
Brownshirts in 'Demand' Mode
In an effort to brush up on their proficiency in making demands of others (whilst offering nothing themselves), Sinn Fein/IRA Brownshirts are 'demanding' clarification from the DUP on their response to the nuanced and, ultimately, futile gesture from Gerry Adams. This is not about the sincerity of Paisley's party: the DUP will undoubtedly enter a Faustian pact to share power with the dregs of Ulster society. The issue here is more about the incomprehensible arrogance of terrorist apologists who think some elements in the DUP 'have set the bar too high...'!
'Too high', eh? So, after releasing mass murderers from prison, disbanding the RUC, introducing all -Ireland bodies, giving the minority political leverage far beyond their demographic strength and proposing an amnesty for criminals on the run, daring to suggest that an illegal terrorist organisation should decommission is akin to 'setting the bar too high.'
We can all see what is unfolding here. Sinn Fein/IRA will make a raft of baseless 'promises' come September; a compliant media will herald their pronouncements as a new era in the 'peace process'; pressure will be applied to the constitutionalists of the DUP and, in an eager desire to grab power, the latter will duly oblige. I demand the full punishment of terrorist organisations and the people who defend them. Have you anything to say about that, Maskey!?
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