>> 10 Aug 2004
The man acccused of helping the 9/11 jihadists, Mounir al-Motassadek goes on trial (again) today in Germany. This is the guy who was CONVICTED of aiding the 9/11 Hijackers but whose conviction was then quashed by the German Supreme Court because the US banned Ramzi Binalshibhfrom testifying back in March. Why? Because the crucial witness is a suspected al-Qaeda lieutenant, who boasted in a television interview that he masterminded the 11 September plot.
I doubt if the Germans will have the bottle to convict Motassadek. Like most other European weenie-nations (oops, that word again) they are following their own drift into dhimmitude and believe that if you are nice to those rather aggressive Islamofacists then you will be safe from them.
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