>> 7 Aug 2004
John Kerry's Naivete
I loved this submission on Blame Bush. Democrat presidential candidate, John Kerry, has promised a more 'sensitive war on terror'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but invoking terms of sensitivity when applied to tackling some of the most despicable men on the planet has an anomalous ring to it. The fact that Larry Chomstein thought it appropriate to present Kerry's stupidity in a forum of humorous criticism demonstrates just how much waffle JFK spouts, and how little he knows of the new realpolitik.
As aforementioned, Bush's strategy in the war on terror is a consequence, not a cause, of the parting of the waves between the US and Europe, coupled with the rise in Islamic extremism. Pretending, as Kerry is clearly trying to do, that the world's only superpower can successfully defeat the likes of Al Queda by applying gentle doses of 'sensitivity' to its overall objectives is akin to telling someone that low tar cigarettes do not cause cancer. Kerry's strategy will weaken America in the eyes of its enemies without doing anything to placate its erstwhile 'allies'. Does anyone really believe Gallic snail-eating surrender monkeys will be more disposed towards America's essential aims under a Kerry presidency!?
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