>> 9 Aug 2004
Ulster Unionist Sir Reg Empey is a great example of a politcian who is incapable of learning from past errors. His latest pronouncement, that militant Republicans need to "honour their commitments and get on with the peace process" is almost burlesque. Sir Reg just doesnt get it!
The "peace process" that Republicans talk about is one designed to appease their terrorist wing whilst facilitating their political requirements! Also, honour is not relevant when talking about terrorists.
Regular readers of ATW will know that the so-called Good Friday Agreement was a monumental fraud designed to disguise a craven surrender to the terrorist gangs that infest Northern Ireland. In the name of peace, the warlords are rewarded. The hitmen got out of jail, their coffers brimmed with money, people like Gerry Adams were elevated as "Statesmen." Only the victims of terrorism were ignored.
Those foolish politcians that accepted the provisions of such a morally-challenged political arrangement - like Sir Reg - were wrong then, wrong now, and give every impression of NEVER getting it right!
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