>> 8 Aug 2004


********UPDATE...the athlete concerned has now admitted his guilt. At least he was honest enough to confess his cheating. ********

I note that a top Irish athlete has failed a drug test on the eve of the Olympics. It seems that Cathal Lombard tested positive for EPO. This casts a cloud over all those other Irish athletes who seek to compete without the help of banned substances. I am sure most aren't cheats, and of course the jury is out on Mr. Lombard - but it does strike me that the Olympics have been permeated by cheats - over many years. Each time they get smarter.

This made me wonder whatever happened to Irish "Golden Girl" swimmer, Michelle Smith, who won three gold medals at the Atlanta Olympics, out of the blue. Here is a fascinating update from Kevin Mitchell. It's all a bit sad really, from rags to riches, from honest endeavour to drug-assisted cheating. One helluva long way from the Olympic ideal.


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