>> 6 Sept 2004
I read that paralysed Brighton bomb victim Margaret Tebbit has said that she cannot forgive IRA bomber Patrick Magee. Magee, set free from prison in 20o2 under the terms of the morally bankrupt Belfast Agreement, has gone on record as describing the loss of life he master-minded as "regrettable." Like getting caught.
I think Mrs Tebbit is incredibly brave - and who can fail to sympathise with her when she says that, "I don't see why anyone who has never repented should be forgiven." Lord Tebbit and his wife have shown great courage in living with the consequences of IRA barbarism - bloodied but unbowed. From my perspective, those who carried out atrocities such as the Brighton bombing should have been executed, it would have been the civilised thing to do. Punishing rather than rewarding terrorists may seem a tad radical for some, but for the barbarians who planned and executed the bombing of the Grand Hotel in 1984, it would have been appropriate.
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