>> 21 Oct 2004


Guess what's the burning issue regarding Northern Ireland for the UK's top nurse Dr Beverley Malone, the Royal College of Nursing's general secretary?

The perilous state of NHS wards? The inability of the NHS management to manage and motivate staff? No!! Our Beverley feels that the restoration of a devolved Assembly is NUMBER ONE!

She said: "Devolution would be good for Northern Ireland and a great opportunity for nurses to shape policy.It would also be good for patients."

Wow - are the devolved political clas all going to become trained medical experts? Can I look forward to David Trimble cleaning out my bedpan?

Hey Stool Pigeon - get off your perch and stop politicking! The sooner we privatise the NHS the better if this is to the sort of third rate political nonsense Beverley and her ilk trot out.


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