>> 19 Jun 2004

Peter Robinson, Gerry Loves You More than You Will Know

Like my fellow critic, David Vance, I am somewhat perturbed by Peter Robinson's hints about the chances of the Democratic Unionist party cutting a deal with Sinn Fein/IRA. Once thing is for certain, the next few months will decide whether or not the DUP puts the welfare of the Union ahead of its ambitions for power in a devolved government.

Direct Rule is now indisputably the preferred option for a majority of the Protestant population. It also has reasonably strong support from Roman Catholics who haven't been sedated by the blandishments of separatism. Advocates of power sharing with Irish nationalism have not yet learned the lesson that giving power over a State (or a portion thereof) to people whose sole political ambition is to destroy the State, is a recipe for prolonged instability and communal strife. Peter Robinson may like to do Gerry Adams' bidding to enhance his own career, but the repercussions will come in the form of a huge split within the DUP. Pro-Union people gave them a mandate to thwart Sinn Fein/IRA, not to court them in a dalliance of dubious means.


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