>> 27 Sept 2004


Shock Horror and did you read all about it? I refer of course to the revelations in the new Jeffrey Donaldson book "Not By Might, A Journey In Faith and Politics" that Sir Reg Empey was dynamically poised to rip the leadership of the UUP from David Trimble when...he lost his nerves and possibly wet his pants. Yes, it's the talk of the town. (Waringstown, that is) If ever you wanted to discover how inept the UUP senior ranks are, then here it is in gory detail. What a bunch of old women with no balls (I know, I know one implies the other) this lot are.

How on earth could anyone with principles remain in such a pathetic sham of a Party? Jeffrey may be lacking in physical stature but it seems to me that he towers above most of the pygmies in his former Party.


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