>> 24 Oct 2004


No, I haven't gone mad but this is what the Guardian reports as being under discussion by pro-Islamic academics. The argument will be put forward next month at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London. It comes as part of a week of events focusing on Islam to address concerns raised by the 'war on terror' and improve understanding of the links between Islam and British culture. The International Shakespeare Globe Fellowship Lecture will take place in the middle of the Islam Awareness Week on the 22-28 November and will be preceded by a lecture from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, the founder of the Zaytuna Institute in California, who will look at Shakespeare's sonnets from a Sufi perspective. Throughout the week the outside walls of the theatre on the banks of the Thames will be illuminated with scenes of Islamic culture.

Where do you start? For beginners, Shakespeare (Shakspere) was not a Muslim except in the deranged imaginings of academics who seek to re-write British culture. Second, why is the Government providing tax-payer funding to such lunacy? Third, these kind of events prove that when it comes to idiocy there is no fool like an academic fool.


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